ChamberForge Roles and Accesses

Seong Bae
Seong Bae
3 years ago

ChamberForge uses roles to control accesses to variuos parts of the application. In this article, I will explain the roles and what you can do with each role.

Please keep in mind that there are groups and organizations in ChamberForge. Organization is if you manage multiple groups or chapters for your business networking group. There are separate sets of roles and access for groups and organizations.


Role: Member

This is the most basic role and the default role when a new member is added to a group. Member role can do following:

  • Send referral
  • Report 1-to-1
  • Add guests
  • Generate reports
  • Upload documents

Role: Manager

  • Everything from members
  • Add/remove members
  • Create & manage meetings
  • Update meeting attendances
  • Update group settings

Role: Organizer

  • Everything from manager
  • Receive meeting RSVP notification from members and guests
  • Receive messages from guests through the public group page

Additionally, if you are the group owner (you created your group and have an active subscription with ChamberForge), you can set up payment collection to receive membership dues from members automatically.


Role: Staff

  • Create and manage groups
  • Add/remove members from organization and group
  • Manage member roles at group level
  • Generate organization-level reports

Role: Administrator

  • Everything from Staff
  • Manage members access at the organization level

The key difference between staff and administrator is that administrator can assign staff role to anyone in the organization to help out with managerial duties.

Do you have any questions? Please let us know.

About the author

Seong Bae
Founder @ ChamberForge

My name is Seong Bae and I am the Founder at ChamberForge. ChamberForge specializes in building referral tracking and management platform.

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