Seong Bae posted 3 years ago in Feature Request

Feature request: Automated reporting

Feature request from a user:

Automated reports pulled and sent to a set list of members in the group. For example, each month we could pull a performance report based on referrals and attendance and send to our leadership team.
Louis J Czerwinski, CRPC® wrote 3 years ago
I think this would be a nice feature. Frankly, I would have reports sent to everyone in the group.
Seong Bae wrote 3 years ago
Hi Lou, Thank you for the feedback. Got it. We did have this feature in the early days of CF but it has been taken out because no one was using it and it was a lot of work to maintain. If more groups feel that they need this feature, or other features, that helps us prioritize our focus and which features to work on next. Seong
Heather Leigh wrote 3 years ago
I thought all members could create reports on their own. Is this a manager or admin only issue? If so, wouldn't it be easier to allow all members to look at reports? Or, admin / manager download the report and load it into files?

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