Capture Old Referral

I have just discovered that a current member has significant income to report from two referrals that were not put in the system earlier in the year. The referral was from a member who is NOT active any more. Any ideas on how I capture this? Can I reactivate the old member to add the referral?


Seong Bae wrote 9 months ago
Hi John, The current member can add a referral and select "I received this referral" in the Type field. Then select the user who sent the referral. Then check the box "Do not notify user" and you can set the referral status to "Won". After that, the current member can add income. Let me know if you have any questions. Seong
John N Garrett III wrote 9 months ago
This is not working. The person who made the referral is no longer a member and I get an error message

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